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      02-17-2013, 08:17 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by Thebigbus View Post
This sounds identical to where I'm currently doing residency....not surprising, as it's a similar model....makes me cringe.
I worked academics for a year, before I went private. The nurse administrator had more power than the docs in the clinic. Needless to say, nothing got done. Nurses and staff were untouchable, regardless of inefficiency or incompetence. If you dared to try and improve the workflow, complaints went directed directly from the staff to clinic administrators (none of whom were doctors) who would reflexively slap you down. I was unable to see more than 13 patients a day. The staff made sure of it. A few years of that and you'll stop caring and just go with the flow.

Disgusting. I worry that it's the future of medicine.
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