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      02-14-2013, 06:24 PM   #30
Major General

Drives: Odysse
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Seal Beach, CA

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Originally Posted by HighandDry View Post
Residency (surgical) was hell, but I think it's better now, because they limit your hours to 80 (?) hrs/week.

My internship year, I was on call every other day for a year. So start at 6 AM, up working all day and night, go back home at 5 PM. Stumble around a couple of hours, go to sleep, and start all over again. It was incredibly hard.
Every other is pretty insane, but you must have known that going it.

It's too easy now with all the limited hours. The system (Government) is producing docs that just want to be employees, so the new docs are easier to control. What the Gov doesn't realize is, productivity of the docs will go down DRAMATICALLY. Even with increasing medschool class size, they won't make up the doctor shortage. Then throw in the decreased productivity of each doc, and it's going to be a mess they created.

Some day these kids applying to med school will realize, it's not worth the money after all the loans and then the cuts to physician pay that Medicare has already enacted. Then throw in Obamacare, which is taking billions out of Medicare (which is broke already), and there won't be any money to pay the docs. The insurance companies will follow what ever Medicare pays, which will be shit in a few years.

As for the OP. You should really be driving a Civic or Accord- if you want to splurge. And E46 M3 is still an expensive care to maintain and insure.
Let me get this straight... You are swapping out parts designed by some of the top engineers in the world because some guys sponsored by a company told you it's "better??" But when you ask the same guy about tracking, "oh no, I have a kid now" or "I just detailed my car." or "i just got new tires."
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