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      10-13-2020, 04:17 PM   #1
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Ailing Parents anyone?

I've never gotten along with my mother. We see the world very differently. I could go on and on while listing our differences, we have met usually on my kids birthdays and on Christmas to see the Santa at my house. There has been an accidental grocery store meeting or two but that's how little contact we keep.

In the spring she decided to move. She demanded the family home I also inherited a piece of was to be sold to my brother. To be clear, I thought it was better for my mental health to sever all ties to my family and since the hubby and I agreed we sold it.

In late September my mother got the keys to her new flat. She lived at the family summer house for months (not a hardship) but basically I saw her for the first time in months on her moving day. She was scared, which for a woman nearing seventy could be normal, but I could not leave her at that state.

So for the last three weeks, anywhere from 8-17 hours, I've been stuck with a person I loath. She is so pale you can't see her with a white background. Not even joking. She gets dizzy while looking up, down, she has zero abilities to handle a car while moving in the same streets she's been driving on for all her life. There are huge personality changes such as she relying on me for everything. She is trying to pay for things on my behalf which has never happened before, and is certainly not needed. Huge memory issues too, which concern me also.

In a way I am absolutely loving this new relationship I have with my mom, her needing my help is a balm to the sores of my youth. The thing is, my brother has completely checked out and left her on her own after he got the house on a very good deal for him. I get that he has a lot on his plate, a demanding job, a wife who's pregnant and a very expensive renovation on the house he got so cheap my real estate contacts cried .

I don't think my mother is okay. She called me three times today to tell the great news of her finding a box with photos she's been looking for I've pointed out to her for two times previously. The photos were in the last box in the flat all last week. She got lost while driving to her summer home last week. Her dog is so fat since she now gets extra meals cuz she forgets she just fed her.

About 10 days ago I pissed her off by telling her I booked her a doctor and that I'd take her there and that I'm worried with her health and with her personality changes. I told her that im her next of kin and that I demand that my observations will be taken seriously. I told her that if she felt fine, she should tell me so and I can fuck off back to my normal life which certainly doesn't include her.

Now I'm taking her a warm lunch daily. I'm trying to boost her iron intake so the meals are pretty damn full of protein and vitamins and as mentioned iron. The pale skin, the overall crumbled and wrinkled look shes sporting is terrifying. I have no control of her finances but I make sure no money is given to my family, as in my hubby or my kids or me. I'm that worried.

I'm not looking for medical advice, that I'll leave to the doctor I'm hauling her to later in the week. I'm just wondering if any of this sounds familiar to any of you? What did you guys do?
Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
You're still a little new here, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever Lups types gibberish, this is an opportunity for you to imagine it to be whatever you'd like it to be.
Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
How would you know this? Did mommy catch you jerking off to some Big Foot porn ?

Last edited by Lups; 10-17-2020 at 01:23 PM..
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