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      03-24-2010, 05:53 PM   #50
LM-R Whore.
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Hey guys,

Just saw this from the L4P post.

"FYI - some important past links that'll get you up to speed:
Tecnocraft E9X ///M3 Envy? Intake System


Alright everyone, I've attached all the dynos and will quickly describe each one to the best of my knowledge. Forum members 'Vic55' (DCT tranny) and 'Sinajoon' (6SPD tranny) were the testers of the ENVY intake systems on two separate days on their otherwise completely stock intake E92 M3s, but each dyno was baselined and performed on the same day in straight through sessions. If anyone has any questions directed to these guys or PowerChip or something I can forward to the Tecno team outside of the knowledge of this dyno, please let us know here.

Location: AutoWave, Huntington Beach, CA. - a big thanks to Mike@Autowave for his time, knowledge, and downright patience! Highly recommended place to get things dialed in and tested. By all means, please visit the place to cross reference any dynographs and to ask Mike for his opinions on how both dyno sessions went. It was agreed that the load-bearing DYNO DYNAMICS was as true-to-life as it could get.

I also want to reaffirm that before our dyno days, I've never met either of them in my life, though by now common ground, they are PowerChip customers. I met Vic through him being good friends with Betim @ BBi, but also that he's been an advocate of PC for some time now. Sina was a chosen recommendation through PowerChip as a development vehicle for e92 M3 chiptuning first, and*secondly,*through great timing he worked out well for when testing our own Tecnocraft Envy system on a BONE STOCK with an intake matched tune on top of the intake. BOTH of them had Macht Schnell filters. On Vic's car, the replacement of the M&S filter with the BMC filter netted negligible differences to the end of the day, he just left with the BMC anyway.

On the first day, Vic's M3 came in already tuned (found out the day we met, but that's fine), but with RPi scoops. In fairness to the ENVY system, we baselined the car "stock" by removing the RPi scoops with Betim's help because the Tecnocraft ENVY has RAM AIR scoops. This is what we considered a true baseline after much thought. I don't remember exactly his modlist, but he's had a few things done, hence his tuned car.

On the second PowerChip day, PowerChip was able to achieve a tune off of a baseline, a tune off of the manifold itself, a tuned intake system itself (4 main pieces), and a tuned intake system plus manifold complete. Since we were able to tune the components to the car, Vic's car (at a future scheduled time) can be dialed in to accept the system as well, hopefully to negate any losses.

Results (downloadable charts HERE):

On "Sina_M3_CPvStock.jpg" (image name), we netted a positive gain in the installation of the chargepipe - there's also more air as noted in AFRs, so there was room to dial in some gains with an intake system tuned. But overall, in Sina's bone stock car, it liked the addition of the chargepipe. This is a comparison of the best baseline we had, versus the best chargepipe run we had. According to this scale, the chargepipe gets 6.5HP between 6200-6900rpm, and same kind of spread at peak, 8300+rpm.

On "Sina_M3_Baseline_TC Full SystemNoMan_FinalTune.jpg", we used that same highest peak baseline dyno and ran it against the best that the Tecnocraft ENVY System could get without a tune, the gains are considerably negligible on top of the chargepipe. We gain maybe +1.5-2HP up top at 8300+, but more or less, we're starting to see a negative effect of too much air into the system because at some areas, the chargepipe alone netted more gains (4000RPMs and lower). The maximum achieved horsepower in the day was seen in tc fullsystem+mani+pwrchip tune (which is the same as bills tune, renamed) which is all components installed including the manifold, tuned in to what Sina's car particularly likes in order to achieve max HP (if anyone asks about AFRs). I'll let PC chime in on this one and provide me with official statements since they tuned the car and this was how it achieved the gains. This maximum HP result is a complete PC-tuned Tecnocraft Envy Intake System including the manifold.

In "Sina_M3_TCMan_Baseline_FinalTune.jpg",*As the day went on, we performed another baseline for consistency BEFORE installation of the TC Manifold (red) / TC Manifold tuned (purple) runs, and we were extremely happy to report Sina's car running flawlessly during the whole day, yielding good baseline runs (blue line, stock m3, they're off at peak by 1-2hp). This is just comparing the manifold BY ITSELF versus stock, the manifold+tuning versus stock, and the entire equipped system+manifold to stock. The manifold netted gains much like the addition of the ChargePipe in the 6200-6900rpm area, but netted even more gains when tuned to the car, flattened out the AFRs to 13 too (similarly to Vics). Curiously, though, PowerChip's tune (even though it's named bill's tune for some reason) configured Sina's car with maximum horsepower gains with the entire system installed+manifold but had the richest AFR - again will leave to PC explain this one, but "bills tune" is a curve of the entire intake system+manifold tuned to the M3 for comparison purposes.

In the dyno, "Vic55_M3_Final_Scoops", interestingly enough, although his car netted a LOSS on the chargepipe installation by itself. Remember all his baselines now are without the RPi scoops, so he's "bone stock" as far as intake systems go. But with just the addition of the Ram Air Scoops, we netted the gains in HP and a good amount of torque as the car revved up (4100+). Vic's car did NOT like the Chargepipe the moment it was added, and can arguably be explained by having his car extremely dialed in to the setup he had. I could see why the scoops would work in a dialed in car, since it's helping to direct that fan air smoothly into the OEM system as it needs the airflow and speed - air volume isn't particularly increased with the RAM AIR scoops, but rather an easier attainable hi-flow inlet of cold air, my thoughts. Again, this graph is ONLY the ram air scoops + OEM. PowerChip states that the complete ENVY system can be dialed in accordingly when the time comes for a retune or if Vic is up for it.

On "VIc55_M3_Final.jpg", it was a bit frustrating because any combination we tried WITH the chargepipe netted a loss. Vic decided to just keep the ChargePipe out and leave the scoops, boxcover, and transition pipe in and voila, power came back to the system. We had to run this a few configurations just to see this happen consistently and it really, really irked me to accept, but that's okay. I felt in the end that comparing a chipped car vs. bone stock car was very important in these tests. Running the full system without the chargepipe achieved maximum horsepower of the day and maximum horsepower over stock. The netted gain in this scenario, is just 1.3HP more than the maximum the ENVY ram air scoops gained by themselves - without additional tuning.


I'd like thoughts and responses that add towards a dyno discussion of these products (I'll start a troubleshoot thread elsewhere if/when I can on any other issues). I hope that anyone even remotely interested in ANY intake system on ANY platform would be proud, crazy enough, and/or extremely thick skinned to have their products scrutinizingly tested with results displayed "rain" or "shine" in all types of combinations and scenarios. And I'm happy to be involved as a field rep for the Tecnocraft product to report these findings as independently as I possibly can. By all means, I am again urging anyone wanting to baseline and compare their E92s to the Tecnocraft ENVY Intake System at either of these two OUTSTANDING facilities for base comparisons:

Mike@Autowave - DYNODYNAMICS

These guys are both honest and reputable people who can pull up these graphs at any time for you.

Notes on future testing:

Sina has a "VBOX" and PC can supply the "BavTech" cables so we can do the 60-130s, or record IATs, whatnot... if theyre all up for it, I would love to test these too as a "Part 2" to the tests."

Ed Lin

09AWE90M: Light headlight tint, Full front end clear bra wrap(Harris@InstyleGraphics), Ceramic tint(40%), Piaa GTX H3 bulb, HID 8k AE, 6k Low, INT Luxer1 lights, RD springs, LMR 20X9 +8, 20X10 +18 (Dave @ Status), Vertice CF hood Ducts(Dat @ VertexUSA), Tecnocraft FULL Envy Intake system+plenum(KEVLAR)+cabin filter covers, Meister GTC exhaust, Arkym F LIP.
Appreciate 0