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      02-15-2013, 06:44 PM   #67
HeartMD's Avatar

Drives: 2011.75 MW,ZCP E92
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: CT

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Originally Posted by jpan08 View Post
UConn Dental!
What a small world. I did my IM residency at Uconn. Though I must admit I hated any rotation at Dempsey. That place is so antique in regards to their computer system. You guys are pretty lucky nowadays with the way blue back square was redone. I feel like half of the NY Sports club members are Uconn dental kids. Are people still going to Murphys? Its been years..

But back to OP... Personally I wouldnt get into an M3 unless you have someone that is going to make sure the payments for the car and Insurance are going to be payed on time everymonth. I couldnt imagine having had to spend all that time concentrating on getting honors or doing well on the steps, knowing that I had to make sure the monthly finance/lease payment were going to be paid. You also have to consider that you are gonna spend all/most of your free time in class/lab/library and not really have time to enjoy your car. It really is relevant to you personal situation. Remember that the initial honeymoon period of ownership is great but once its over the monthly payments can really become a significant burden/ stressor.
2011.75 E92 MW/BB extended,ZCP,ZP2,ZCV, IPOD,BMW APPS, Heatedseats,6MT, Edition Black Chrome Grills & Side Gills, CF splitters, CF performance spoiler, CF mirror caps, Turner black anodized pedals, Akropovic Evolution exhaust w/CF tips, Still Undecided on tune, AFE Pro5r, AFE intake scoops, LUX H8
2009 E92 JB/Black 335 xdrive (retired)
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