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      01-14-2010, 10:59 AM   #2
Lieutenant Colonel

Drives: Turbo Festiva
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Montreal

iTrader: (2)

My friend bought an Evo X(GSR) when they came out. I drove it several time and I can say that I would not buy one. Build quality is not that great(chipping paint+rust spots showing)I don't like the seating position and in stock form the engine feels like an asthmatic kid. I'd take an STI or WRX 265 any day over an Evo. Did I mention the notchy shifter. I liked the handling,stock tires ,brakes and Recaro.
Originally Posted by corneredbeast
An engine from a Z06 Corvette. A differential from a Vespa. Damn

Originally Posted by Severious View Post
Its because a lot of BMW owners are housewives or business professionals and know little about cars other than BMW's are a status symbol in their own circles so that have to have one. But exotic car owners know cars, that's why they are willing to spend for a killer car and they know something different when they see one.
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