Thread: Ack..i feel bad
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      07-20-2006, 11:31 AM   #19
One of my two dachshunds:
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Originally Posted by BadBob
If you're going to move to NY and spend the big bucks, why don't you at least attend a university with national recognition? Columbia for instance. I just hired a Columbia graduate. Very sharp girl.
You have to have outstanding academic history, achievements, among other stellar accomplishments to get into Columbia or any Ivy League institution, for that matter It's pretty competitive. Not to say that Bella isn't competitive. She did, after all, win Ms. E90Post!

Hey, Bella - a quiet roomate is actually better than a hardy-party roomate. You'll get more studying done but obviously it is fun to hang out with an outgoing roomate like the party chick.

$15k/semester with $3k in work-study?! That's a whopping $27k/year! When I finished UCSD in 3.66 years I came out with a total of just $14k in student loans --- partially because California is one of the most education-friendly states (giving free money away like Cal-Grants).
I'm sorry about my outlandish behavior - there's too much blood in my alcohol system.
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