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      07-03-2011, 01:24 AM   #8
Bimmerpost Resident Marijuana Consultant
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Originally Posted by HuangYiChao View Post
You fucked on a memory foam bed before? Please tell detail... I always want to know what its like... But dont feel like investing around 2k just to know what its like hah.
ok, its just fucking amazing. I LOVE IT. when your on top, it locks the bitch into postion perfectly, doesnt put nearly as much pressure on your hands as well which makes it easier on the wrists. it works in your favor when she's on top as well, as your body is planted firmly in the mattress, it gives her much more grip, stability, and traction for some hard nasty skin burning friction. its also great to bend her over while you stand up beacuse you can just plant your fists deep into the bed and your good to break that pussy from behind.

this bed is full of win. MAKE SURE to get the cloud! I hope Ive given you the kind of info you wanted
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