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      09-20-2012, 03:11 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by JasonCSU View Post
For those of you who have the SG3, how do you feel about its size when carrying it with you in your front pocket? Does it feel overly large, or is it not an issue? I've read that the SG4 will have a 5 inch screen which seems massive for a phone. The reason I ask is that I currently have a Samsung Captivate which I feel has a great form factor making it easy to carry around, while still having a decent screen size. I've had it for two years so I could upgrade to an SG3 now, or hold out until the SG4 is out. Decisions, decisions...
You know, initially i thought it was a bit big. But after about a day of heavy usage I was used to it. I can do everything I need to with one hand. Now, whenever I hold a smaller phone in my hand it feels puny.
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