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      02-05-2012, 11:17 AM   #29

Drives: 2012 AW 6M 135i
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: WA

iTrader: (0)

New or used M3?

Saving does a lot for people. It's good to put money toward your retirement but if you're making over 100k per year, why wouldn't you be able to afford a M3? That should be pocket change to you. Unless you have some "other" habits you're not telling us.

I have a apartment payment plus utilities, 2 new car loans, money toward retirement and money going into saving's. I don't make 100k per year and still have money to do things and buy things. It's called saving the money you want and using the money for what you need.

Why not go see someone who can help you financially? You're in CA? Things are more expensive there no? In other State's you can live way, way better making 100k.
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