Thread: holy crappp
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      01-16-2007, 02:42 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by easyman
lol that guy got what he deserved people should really learn to check their mirrors.
i absolutely hate it when someone switches lanes into myne going 20 mph slower or runs me off the road because they decided not to shoulder check/use their mirrors. Just yesterday i drove into a curb becuase someone didnt notice that there was a curve in the road.
I know exactly how you feel. Just tonight in fact I went to pass someone, hit the gas, was going about 15MPH faster (wasn't tail gating to begin with as I was slightly far back when I decided to pass) and the guy (driving a piece of shit) decides to screw with me and changes into my lane real fast. I slam on my brakes and almost hit the guy. What a freakin' asshole I'm thinking to myself. I could have escalated it and turned on my brights or tried to get around him again but you never know if the guy has a gun, will stop his car, get out and start shooting at you or not. I got the vibe that this was not a good guy so I didn't chance it. Besides, I was driving down a dark street in a slightly bad neighborhood. Wasn't worth pushing the car driving in front of me to his limits. Who knows what he would have done. And because the street was rather narrow there wouldn't have been time if he got out with a gun to go around him nor backup and turn around.
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